Friday, January 16, 2009

Continued Frustration

If I have another day like today...I truly wonder if I will make it to retirement. Unfortunately I am not saying that in jest. I do wonder....Today was one of the most frustrating , ridiculous days I have spent at school in a long time. you have the daily frustrations...that you go home and forget about...but today was a constant barrage of insulting, ridiculous, unprofessional behavior. I literally was eating antacids like they were candy in order to get thru the day without crushing chest pain. ( No I am not having a heart attack...believe me I wasted thousands of dollars to find out that I am overly healthy!)...I think the pain was because I was holding back the tears that I wanted to get rid of....What a yucky feeling that is! I am hoping that after a good night's sleep, and a little more wine, I can renew my faith in my fellow man....We'll see.
On a happy note! Gabe and Josh will be participating in their swim meet tomorrow. That is always good for a laugh. Those two are way too funny for their own good. Luckily Gabe will still be able to swim...even with the three stitches in his forehead...Thanks to a little mishap the other night. He refers to his stitches as his "train tracks!" Hey...whatever works for him!
Let's hope this cold weather gets the heck out of here...very very soon! My body and my mind need to be on the bike!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I am sitting here tonite so utterly frustrated...that I almost cried today in my classroom....I am NOT kidding. To make a long story short...over half the class lied about how many questions they missed on an assignment. I got a bad vibe about the numbers I was receiving so I collected everyone's work and checked them for myself....and compared what they told me to their REAL score. It was ridiculous! Not only were they not truthful...but they would not admit to it!I informed them that they would receive a zero for this assignment because of their dishonesty. Can you believe it...I have already received an e-mail from a parent saying that I was out of line in giving a zero....are you KIDDING me? But what can I expect...our suggested treasury secretary did not pay $34,000.00 in taxes...but he will be confirmed...and not convicted. They claim it was a simple mistake....ok??????? Truthfully...I am not sure what to do with this situation. I try to make my students accountable....but if their parents are so hell bent on criticizing my decisions...then why do I lose sleep over this....ugh!I could let them continue to show bad character...and just hope that they will not be running the country in a few years!
On another note...I have signed up for the Tour de Cure team. We will be riding 75 miles for the diabetes foundation. Once again..remember...the invitation is always open to join our team. We are a little goofy..but a lot of fun! We make riding 75 miles look like a piece of cake!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Mission

Yesterday at work the staff decided to join the ranks of the "Biggest Loser." I am thrilled to say that many people signed up for the challenge and hopefully many of those will stick to their commitment. Come on...we all know how tough it is to try and lose weight...even a few pounds...when the foods we love seem like a constant temptation. Anyway...Kris and I have volunteered to work with anyone who wants to get back on the bike and I have volunteered to work with beginning runners. (Remember...I just got back into running after about 12 years!) I think that people will be surprised...that with a little determination and companionship how easy this will be once everyone gets into a routine. Kris and I often talk about the fact that we keep each other motivated on those days that we get a little "wishy washy" about putting our butt on the bike. Wish us all luck ,ok?
On another note...I am so glad the week is over! Between final exams, parents who just don't get it, and parents who don't give a rat's behind...I was worn out. I think the frustration of the week got me thru the 4 mile run last night.....frustration often serves as FUEL for my physical activities.ha ha
May take my new camera out today and go take some is cold but clear....Might do my feeble little mind some good!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Final Exams....

I do not even know where to start when it comes to 6th graders and final exams. They really do not get it. They have had the EXACT material that was going to be on the test for a minimum of 5 weeks...or maybe longer. I sent a note home for the parents to the parents knew they had the info in their possession....I put the info on the board, and I posted it on my school website. What more could I do....SERIOUSLY? Would you believe that I had multiple students that did not get ONE...I REPEAT... NOT ONE question correct? How does that happen? You really have to work hard at getting a 0%. It is amazing to me...and VERY, VERY..sad.
On another is quiet here tonite and this lady is gonna hit the hay early after watching the MENTALIST....Maybe I will sleep tonite now that I am sorta back in the routine of going to work....and not worried about oversleeping. (Frankly I cannot tell you the last time I have overslept and missed anything....Well...maybe in college when I missed multiple classes....but that was a more "on purpose" type of thing. lol.
I hope that I can get out on the bike tomorrow...enjoy the 55 degree + weather for a few days before we get a cold snap again.
One last note...Does everyone have a bunch of Christmas candy left over? Get it out of my house.......NOW!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Impending Doom? about 12 hours til I have to officially go back to work....and I feel a dread like you wouldn't believe. Kinda makes you feel all warm and fuzzy all over doesn't it? I tried to stay a little busy today...but the thought kept creeping into my head....really making me, work, work. UGH!
This week will be a busy one...grandkids after school tomorrow...and we know that they are always good for a I DO have that to look forward matter how bad my day goes. Gabe and some of his comments....just crack me up....even if he is being TOTALLY SERIOUS!
Looks like a few ok days to get on the bike after school....that always helps with the stress...A dentist appt. and a haircut...not to mention getting 150 final exams graded and into the gradebook....and then wait for the parents to bombard me with why their child did so poorly on the exam. Can't wait for that...I keep telling myself...."I love my job, I love my job!"
Hope that the rest of you who were lucky enough to be off work for the entire holiday are ready in body and head back to the workforce....
Be safe and be sane!

Friday, January 2, 2009

On the Bike!

Glad to say that I am back on the bike and enjoying the trail...even in the headwinds of Oklahoma. Went out yesterday and again today...and will be there again tomorrow since the temperatures are supposed to be in the 70's. Then it will be back on the trainer for a few days since winter weather may be approaching. Oh Joy! Just in time to head back to school for final exam week! Can you tell I am looking so forward to that? Frankly 150 6th graders after a two week reprieve is like walking on hot coals barefoot...EXTREMELY PAINFUL!
The Christmas decorations, at least outside are a thing of the past. I got those down today. The tree comes down tomorrow as soon as I get the ladder back from Jarrod. He should really come over and help me take down the tree since its" demise was put off because of no ladder to climb. ( Hysterical laughter!) Those of you who know Jarrod know that will not happen. Usually his contribution is hanging one ornament of a little guy in a bathtub!
This entire two weeks off work I have been saying..."I am going to sleep in tomorrow!" It has yet to happen and time is running out. Guess I had better do it tomorrow for sure. ( So for those of you reading this...the phone will be in the OFF mode! )
I don't know about the rest of you...but I will be glad to get all BAKED GOODS out of the house...they are too easy to graze on everyday. No sense in putting in all those miles running or biking if I am just gonna stuff my face. Not a good plan!
Don't forget...If you want to make a New Year's resolution...join our team for the Tour de Cure for Diabetes. The ride is 75 May...and we would love to have you join us. come can do it!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Ok....we DID IT! Hillary and I completed the Race into the New Year! It was a blast! Lots of people (almost too many at times)...but what an awesome experience.
It was a little chilly...but no breeze...which was a blessing since we ran along the river. There were several hundred people...all ages...who decided to enter into this New Year by doing something not only good for the heart, but good for the soul as well.
The run started at 11:45...a little slow at first, but the pace picked up after the first 1/2 mile or so. There were people in costume, people in crazy hats, and people dressed in flashy. glittering outfits. All out to have a good time. No grumpy runners in the bunch. For those of you who have ever know that runners often get a little grumpy when someone is weaving all over the course or whatever. Last night you just had to dodge some of the little ones and take it all in stride.
As we crossed the 11th street bridge and made the turn onto Riverside the REALLY fast guys were already headed back. What a sight to see....(and let me tell you, there were some good looking guys hauling butt!) We all cheered them on as they ran in their shorts and t-shirts..while the rest of us were bundled up like we lived in the Arctic.As we continued down the trail and the midnight hour was approaching...the fireworks started over the river and the sirens went off at the power plant at exactly midnight. Problem was...the lights along the trail go off at 12:00...which made for some interesting moments. Hillary and I were side by side at the stroke of midnight, took in the fireworks as their reflections lit up the water and had a brief moment of hugs and Happy New Year wishes. As we approached the turn around point there was a tent with lights that was serving champagne. We briefly stopped and got a glass to share and then continued on back to the west side of the river. With ipod earphones in our ears we continued the journey together ( I was such a mom and was always making sure I could see Hillary...just to check and make sure all was ok.) As we approached the finish I thought to myself "Wow! what a great way to bring in the coming year." I also said a little prayer that we will all have a better and less worrisome year than 2008. We could all use that.
The finish line area was crowded but we made our way thru that and onto a table that was filling water bottles with your beverage of choice...Healthy? got apple cider. Not so healthy?....more champagne. I chose the champagne.( Imagine that!) We then hung around for a little bit, had our picture taken, ( which I hope to post later today)and then made our way back to the car to much appreciated seat warmers. Hillary had gotten some text messages and answered them with info about what we had just finished. Needless to say...her friends thought we were a little crazy...( but what is life...if you don't do "CRAZY" once in awhile?)
So everyone....Here is to a great New Year! May you all do something a little off the beaten path in the coming months....It does a body...(and mind) a world of good.
Blessings to all....
PS...Hillary...thanks for indulging your mom. Love you a bunch! :-)